Third Grade
Ms. Tanner
Ms. Stuart
Ms. De La Torre
Ms. Doll
Ms. Brandhorst
"Learning ultimately comes down to one thing; the ability, and choice, to put one's brain around a problem- to stare past the confusion, and struggle forward rather than flee." - Andy Schipper
- reads aloud fluently and accurately
- uses context clues to confirm or self correct vocabulary words
- utlizes strategies of visualizing, questioning, making connections, determining importance, inferring, and synthesizing to build understanding of texts
- Self selects and sustains through appropriate text
- Units of Study focus on Building a Reading Life, Mysteries, Character Studies, and Non-fiction
- writes narratives (personal and fiction) using effective techniques, details and clear sequence of events
- writes informative pieces to examine a topic and convey ideas clearly
- writes opinion pieces supporting a point of view with evidence
- uses correct capitalization, grammar, and grade level spelling skills
- writes routinely over extended periods of time
- solves one-step and multi step word problems
- fluently multiplies and divides within 100
- understands properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division
- identifies and compares numbers using place value to 10,000
- fluently adds and subtracts within 1,000
- rounds whole numbers to nearest 10,000
- represents fractions as numbers on the number line
- compares fractions by reasoning their size
- recognizes and generates simple equivalent fractions
- tells time to the minute
- measures and estimates volume and mass using metric units
- uses data in bar graphs
- calculates perimeter and area of plane figures
- categorizes shapes based on their attributes
- clearly communicates mathematical reasoning
- perseveres through tasks and attends to accuracy, reasonableness, and efficiency.
- Interdependent relationships in Ecosystems
Adaptations, which increase survival, Inheritance and variation of traits, Social interactions within animal groups, Life cycles of plants and animals
Forces and Interactions
Effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on an object, Effects of Magnetism and static electricity on an object without contact
Weather and Climate
The difference between weather and climate, Natural disasters
Social Studies:
- History of California with an emphasis on local history